Level Test For Adult

1. May be you __ learn some French before you go to Paris.
2. I _ karate twice a week.
3. It __ right now.
4. When I was a kid, my parents never let me __ up late during the week.
5. What __ you do if you found a wallet on the sidewalk?
6. I haven't seen that new movie __.
7. What __ for Christmas this year?
8. Do you like carnivals and __ like that?
9. Don't speed! You'll __.
10. The teacher asked us whether __ our homework last week.
11. if you have a toothache, you'd __ go to the dentist.
12. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I guess I __ had a bad day, that's all.
13. How did you end up __ here?
14. I usually __ for work. I often sleep too late.
15. A: I can't believe it! I've won a prize!
B: You __?
16. A: So, you're here for a week on vacation. That's fantastic!
B: __! I'm having a great time.
17. A: We didn't get any homework last night.
B: I __ you were happy!
18. In my town, there's __ shopping mall.
19. I'll return the newspaper when I __ through it.
20. I didn't __ to like jazz music, but now I think it's OK.
21. I work as a doctor and my wife __, too.
22. __ it would be quicker to drive to work, I usually walk.
23. I don't look as scruffy __ I did when I was a teenager.
24. I think __ teacher.
25. I don't __ if you've heard, but there's a concert next weekend.
26. Before you studied here, __ English in another school?
27. __ do you rent movies?
28. A: My friend is always borrowing my CDs.
B: Well, at __ he returns them to you.
29. I'm good __.
30. Hi My name is Mary. What __ name?
31. If I'd studied languages, I __ a translator.
32. I __ for the math exam last night.
33. I can't spend __ money on clothes as my friends can.
34. Where __ born?
35. I think e-mail is __ than regular mail.
36. A: I passed my driver's test!
B: __.
37. Do you __ to class in the mornings?
38. A: I love this neighborhood.
B: __.
39. If you go to New York, you can __ a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.
40. Something should __ about global warming.
41. I __ get a promotion soon. My manager is moving to another city, and I'll probably get her job.
42. This beer tastes __.
43. A: The aerobics class starts at 7:00.
B: __? It starts at what time?
44. This DVD's amazing, __?
45. How __ your mother?
46. The TV needs __.
47. A: Do your parents live nearby?
B: Yes, they __.
48. A: I go out with my friends almost every night.
B: It's good to spend some time at home, __.
49. My girlfriend __ born on the 2nd of September 1974.
50. Is this your bag? B: Yes, __.
51. What is your home town __?
52. I __ my homework when you called.
53. I have been learning English since I __ ten years old.
54. __ books are these? Are they yours?
55. I always __ at the hairdresser's.
56. I'm not sure yet, but I __ study for a master's degree.
57. My sister and I __ very early.
58. What __ last weekend?
59. What's the __ restaurant in your town?
60. In life __ can make a mistake, we're all human.
61. Ten years from now, more people __ working at home.
62. Where __ dictionary?
63. A: Are there any cash machines near here?
B: Yes, __ over there.
64. They __ go to the cinema.
65. If he __ about it, I'm sure he'd help.
66. This is the best coffee I've __ tasted.
67. After you break __ with someone, you should try and stay friends.
68. She knows that she __ to pay now.
69. __ with your mouth full is considered bad manners.
70. I'm looking __ the summer holidays.
71. No wonder she's angry. You __ have shouted at her like that.
72. Are you interested in __ poetry?
73. __ you like to go out tonight?
74. The airport __ yesterday because of fog.
75. You __ be really hungry after all that exercise!
76. I wish I __ more free time.
77. This new CD __ to be excellent.
78. I found a Web site __ helps you find your old school friends.
79. I've never __ to Europe.
80. I have no idea what time __.
81. Is it easy __ around your town?
82. I'm not going to go out tonight. I have to study really __ for an exam tomorrow.
83. I like this watch! How much __ ?
84. Would you like __ help?
85. I'm afraid I __ here for your birthday party.
86. Did you __ anything interesting last weekend?
87. They said they __ come, but they didn't.
88. How __ are you?
89. How long __ married?
90. My best friend is the guy __ by the door.
91. A: Did you buy a gift?
B: No, I never got __.
92. A: Would you mind turning on the light?
B: __.
93. I think smoking __ in restaurants.
94. A: My best friend's from France.
B: France? __ ? That's interesting.
95. I sneeze all the time. I have __.
96. I hurt __ at the gym yesterday. I sprained my ankle.
97. __ you give me directions, please?
98. I need __ new shoes.
99. I know! Let's give Mom some flowers for __ birthday!
100. They were __ hard questions that I had no chance.